Fund Your Number

by Ned Webster

The Cal Men’s Lacrosse Society (CMLS) and Head Coach Ned Webster are excited to announce our new fundraising and networking initiative: "Fund Your Number." The concept is simple:

  • Alumni can support the team by donating a recurring tax deductible annual amount in honor of your jersey number.
  • The plan is to maintain this campaign in perpetuity in order to connect the lineage of past, present and future players who wear the same number with proceeds benefitting the entire team.
  • The true value: alumni will have the opportunity to meet current players (online, for now), share their Cal Lacrosse experiences and provide mentorship and networking opportunities. 
  • The CMLS feels this is an opportunity to further embed the culture of our long and storied program while instilling pride in each jersey number.

Can we count on you to initiate this fund drive for your number?!

To help the team and support your own legacy, please contribute today!  

  1. Go to the Cal Men’s Lacrosse webpage
  2. Under "Team," click Roster, find your number, learn about the current student athlete wearing it, and connect via their listed LinkedIn link 
  3. Then click Support
  4. Enter the Amount and hit "Recurring"
  5. Select “This Gift is in Honor of Someone” and enter the current student-athlete’s name followed by your shared number (example, Finnian Meagher #13)
  6. GO BEARS!

* Don’t see your number on the current roster? You can still contribute to your number by entering it on “This Gift is in Honor…” field.

Thank you for your participation, and GO BEARS!

Matt Currie #13 (’98)
CMLS President

See who where's your number!